Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ten Ways to Save Petrol

1. Shop around: check out www.mynrma.com.au/petrolwatch for the cheapest daily petrol in Sydney.
2. Refuel when prices are low: not when your tank is empty.
3. Fill up early: petrol is usually cheapest to buy on Monday and early Tuesday. Save more than $200 a year by buying petrol early in the week.
4. Avoid hard acceleration and braking: flow with the traffic - smooth driving can reduce fuel consumption by up to 30 per cent. Don't rest your left foot on the brake of an automatic vehicle - the extra drag increases fuel consumption by five per cent.
5. Watch your speed: by travelling at 90 km/h rather than 110 km/h you can reduce fuel consumption by 10 per cent or more.
6. Lighten the load: take off roof-racks and bullbars if they're not needed. Remove golf clubs or tools if you're not using them - and reduce fuel consumption by up to five per cent. Keep your tyre pressure towards the top of the manufacturer's recommended range.
7. Switch off: when stuck in traffic for any length of time turn the key to the "accessory" position (not to "off") and if an automatic transmission, shift to "park". Vehicles fitted with this feature typically reduce fuel consumption in urban areas by up to 15 per cent.
8. Open the windows: when the weather is fine, switch off the air-conditioning. This reduces fuel consumption by up to 10 per cent in urban driving.
9. Shop smart: take advantage of a range of shopper docket schemes.
10. Service your car regularly: blocked air filters can increase fuel consumption significantly.


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