Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Beneficiaols walkie-talkies

Walkie-talkies are handy for keeping in constant contact within a group. They operate at either 27 MHz or 409 MHz and do not require a licence as long as they meet the technical requirements set by the Office of the Telecommunications Authority. Walkie-talkies that operate at 409 MHz are usually smaller, and are suitable for short-range communication. The Office of the Telecommunications Authority provides lists of those models that do not require a licence.

One benefit of using a walkie-talkie is that it can be used to communicate with other hikers outside of your group. All hikers are encouraged to monitor channel 9 to pick up emergency calls from other hikers who could be within range. In this way, you might be able to offer assistance, or call in outside help in case of emergencies. You should make sure the tone squelch of your walkie-talkie is disabled and the code setting is "00", which will improve the reception and make it easier for you to make an emergency call should the need arise.


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