Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Apple Computer

Apple Computer, Inc. NASDAQ: AAPL is a Silicon Valley company based in Cupertino, California, whose nucleus business is computer technologies. Apple helped originate the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II microcomputer and has since further shaped it with the Macintosh. Apple is known for its original, well-designed hardware, such as the iPod and iMac, as well as software offerings exemplified through iTunes as part of the iLife suite and Mac OS X, its flagship operating system.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Advertising is a traditional Society. This paper shows the difficulties of promoting products in conventional societies such as traditional Muslim countries. Advertising is a major marketing implement for organizations to sell their products and services. The paper argues that in conservative societies however, it is virtually impossible to convey message in a smart way. This paper discusses the Saudi society and the approaches to advertising as compared to the United States. It discusses advertising mediums such as television commercial and the internet and shows how messages put across to the consumer differ between the two countries, based on cultural demands.
Extensive hard work is made to keep the society segregated so that no mingling or socializing for the two is possible. As a result, educational institutes are segregated and the place of work does not employ women much. There are harsh laws regarding women covering themselves, traveling with a male relation and driving. In addition, media, along with the Internet, is heavily concealed for any trace of irreligious content.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Orchids (Orchidaceae family) are among the biggest and most diverse of the flowering plant (angiospermae) families, with over 800 described genera and 25,000 (some sources give 30,000) species, and another 100,000 + hybrids and cultivars formed by horticulturalists. The Kew World Checklist of Orchids includes about 24,000 conventional species. As regards 800 new species are added each year. Orchids, through their floral complexity and their connections with pollinators and their symbiosis with mycorrhizae, are considered by some, along with the grasses, to be examples of the most difficult floral evolution known.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Biography (from the Greek words bios meaning "life", and graphein meaning "write") is a type of literature and further forms of media such as film, based on the written accounts of individual lives. While a biography may focus on a subject of fiction or non-fiction, the term is frequently in reference to non-fiction. Pat Shipman however, says "I think a good biographer has to write fiction some of the time to make apparent a significant event in someone's life." This is sometimes debated. As opposed to a profile or curriculum vitae, a biography develops a complex analysis of personality, highlighting different aspects of it and including intimate details of experiences. A biography is more than a list of distant facts like birth, education, work, relationships and death. It also delves into the emotions of experiencing such events.

Ancient Greeks developed the biographical tradition which we have inherited, although until the 5th century AD, when the word 'biographia' first appears, in Damascius' Life of Isodorus, biographical pieces were called simply "lives" ("bioi"). It is quite likely that the Greeks were drawing on a pre-existing eastern tradition; certainly Herodotus' Histories contains more exhaustive biographical information on Persian kings and subjects than on anyone else, implying he had a Persian source for it.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Need for Welfare

There is an old joke that asked where you find a welfare recipient’s check under his work boots of course. For a long time now, since the expert formation of a stable government, the U.S government has had the programs and passed laws that either dealt with issues of or influenced family. Many of these family programs and laws currently in place today are often and usually debated. One of the most debated and most labored over family programs or laws are welfare.
This is because there is now a smallest amount of income so the poor no longer have the need to go out and commit crimes to attain such money.