Friday, October 26, 2007


Random access memory (usually known by its acronym, RAM) is a kind of data storage used in computers. It takes the form of integrated circuits that permit the stored data to be accessed in any order — that is, at random and without the physical movement of the storage medium or a physical reading head.

The key benefit of RAM over types of storage which need physical movement is that retrieval times are short and consistent. Short because no physical movement is required, and consistent because the time taken to retrieve a piece of data does not depend on its current distance from a physical head; it requires practically the equal amount of time to access any piece of data stored in a RAM chip.

Because of this speed and consistency, RAM is used as 'main memory' or primary storage: the working area used for loading, displaying and manipulate applications and data. In most personal computers, the RAM is not an essential part of the motherboard or CPU—it comes in the easily upgraded form of modules called memory sticks or RAM sticks about the size of a few sticks of chewing gum, which can be quickly detached and replaced when they become damaged or too small for current purposes. A smaller amount of random-access memory is also integrated with the CPU, but this is usually referred to as "cache" memory, rather than RAM.

The disadvantage of RAM over physically moving media is cost, and the loss of data when power is turned off. For these reasons, almost all PCs have disc storage as "secondary storage". Small PDAs and music players (up to 8 GiB in Jan 2007) may allot with disks, but rely on flash memory, to retain data between sessions of use.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A Brave New Audience

Over time, technology has become highly developed. This is adverse for mankind because the more superior, the more serious television gets, the not as good as it is for its viewers. It always feeds people information with which they take in without even significant its perils. What they think is an admirable source of information, is actually a hazardous medium through which millions of Americans reduce their intelligence. According to Neil Postman, it is simply just a damage of content because it focuses more on descriptions, rather than content.
In Postman's essay, The Huxleyan Warning, he exhorts readers that Huxley's prophecies are launch to be realized. He claims that society will enchain themselves through their love for their own oppression; the technologies that disable their abilities to think. This technology comes through the shape of a television screen. These prophecies, which were first introduced to us by Aldous Huxley, are observable in the movie The Truman Show. Truman is a normal human being, accidentally being watched by billions of viewers ever since his birth. Viewers are stuck to their television sets watching his every move.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Essentials of healthy life-cleanliness a brief review

Health is wealth so preserve it. Life is short so use it in the right way. Cleanliness merely fits with the apt meaning of being free from dirt, dust, germs and bad smells. A recent shift has now taken place to recognise that 'germs' may play a major role in our immune systems. So experts say washing hands frequently, specially when in an environment of many people with infections and diseases. Washing is one of the best way to achieve cleanliness.Have a brief overlook on the following issue to be aware of how to keep one self clean.
A step way process regarding cleanliness of hands is given below:
• Use warm water
• But avoid scorching your hands.
• Use anti-bacterial soap or hand wash.
• Wash between fingers and use paper towels to wipe off.
Washing of hands has to be followed
• Before eating
• After eating
• After using the toilet
• After playing outdoor games
• After attending to a sick person
• After blowing nose, coughing, or sneezing; and after handling pets.
The proverb "Cleanliness is next to Godliness," a common phrase that describes humanity's high opinion of being clean. Purposes of cleanliness include health, beauty and to avoid the spreading of germs .If your hands have any kind of skin cut or infection, wash hands with an anti bacterial soap. Thoroughly wash with hot, soapy water all surfaces that come in contact with raw meat, poultry, fish, and eggs before moving on to the next step in food preparation. Consider using paper towels to clean kitchen surfaces.
Keep pets, household cleaners, and other chemicals away from food and surfaces used for food. Along with removing any old food or dirty water, it's a very good practice to clean the bowls or containers that the food and water are in, ever Hygienic practices—such as frequent hand washing or the use of boiled (and thus sterilized) water have a profound impact on reducing the spread of disease. This is because they kill or remove disease-causing microbes (germs) in the immediate surroundings. For instance, washing one's hands after using the toilet and before handling food reduces the chance of spreading E. coli bacteria and Hepatitis A, both of which are spread from fecal contamination of food.-healthy
Personal cleanliness:sadblack1

• Daily washing of the body and hair.
• More frequent washing of hands and face.
• Oral hygiene—Daily brushing teeth.
• Cleaning of the clothes and living area.
• Use of bandaging and dressing of wounds.
• Not touching animals before eating.
• avoidance of unhygienic people.
• Holding a tissue in your hand when coughing or sneezeing.
• Suppression of habits such as spitting or nose-picking.
• Washing hands before eating.
• Not licking fingers before picking up sheets of paper.
• Cut finger nails and toe nails.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Vitamins are nutrients required in minute amounts for essential metabolic reactions in the body.The term vitamin does not consist of other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids, nor does it include the large number of other nutrients that promote health but that are not essential for life.Vitamins are bio-molecules that act both as catalysts and substrates in chemical reactions. When acting as a catalyst, vitamins are bound to enzymes and are called cofactors. Vitamins also act as coenzymes to hold chemical groups between enzymes. Folic acid, for example, carries various forms of carbon groups–methyl, formyl or methylene in the cell.Vitamins have been created as commodity chemicals and prepared widely available as inexpensive pills for several decades allowing supplementation of the dietary intake.

Monday, October 08, 2007


By creating drag, a parachute is a soft fabric device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere. Parachutes are usually used to slow the descent of a person or object to Earth or another celestial body within an atmosphere. Occasionally Drogue parachutes are also used to aid horizontal deceleration of a vehicle. From the French words para, protect or shield, and chute, the fall, parachute the word came. "Fall protection" is the real meaning of parachute. Recent parachutes are classified as semi-rigid wings, are quite maneuverable, and can facilitate a controlled descent similar to that of a glider.

Now parachutes are constructed from more durable woven nylon fabric, sometimes coated with silicone to improve performance and consistency over time, but it once made from silk. Manufacturers of parachutes switched to low-stretch materials like Dacron or zero-stretch materials like Spectra, Kevlar, Vectran and high-modulus aramids When the square parachutes were introduced.