Monday, August 27, 2007

Doves as food

Several species of pigeon or dove are used as food, and most likely any could be; the powerful breast muscles characteristic of the family make superb meat. In Europe the Wood Pigeon is normally shot as a game bird, while Rock Pigeons were initially domesticated as a food species, and many breeds were developed for their meat-bearing qualities. The extinction of the Passenger Pigeon was at least partially due to shooting for use as food.Doves are Kosher, and they and Turtle Doves are the only birds that may be used for a Korban. Other kosher birds may be eaten, but not brought as a Korban.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Manhattan refers to both the Island of Manhattan and encompasses most of the Borough of Manhattan, one of the five boroughs of New York City. The commercial, financial, and cultural center of the city, Manhattan has many famous landmarks, tourist attractions, museums and universities. It is also home to the headquarters of the United Nations and the seat of city government.

The borough of Manhattan is coterminous with New York County, which is also the most densely populated county in the United States. Postal addresses within the borough are typically designated as "New York, NY."

Manhattan has the largest central business district in the United States and is the site of most of the city's corporate headquarters and the New York Stock Exchange. Although its population is third largest of the five boroughs, after Brooklyn and Queens, and it is geographically the smallest, Manhattan is the borough that many visitors most closely associate with New York City.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Arts & Crafts

The Arts and Crafts progress began mainly as a search for real and meaningful styles for the 19th century and as a response to the miscellaneous revival of famous styles of the Victorian era and to "inexpressive" machine-made manufacture aided by the Industrial Revolution. Considering the instrument to be the source cause of all repetitive and ordinary evils, some of the protagonists of this association turned completely away from the use of technology and towards handcraft, which tended to focus their productions in the hands of receptive but comfortable consumers.

Yet, while the Arts and Crafts movement was in great part a effect to industrialization, if looked at on the entire, it was neither anti-modern. Some of the European factions thought that machines were in fact required, but they should only be used to reduce the tediousness of routine, repetitive tasks. At the same time, some Arts and Crafts leaders felt that things should also be reasonable. The difference between quality production and 'demo' design, and the effort to settle the two, subject design debate at the turn of the twentieth century.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Bucees is the excellent supermarket shop available to the people of America and Texas. Bucees is a place which offers full time shopping at one store itself. All commodities are sold at bucees and we offer our services at more than one store. Bucees employees work hard and make sure that the customer receives the needed shopping from the store they need.

Bucees supplies gasoline and diesel to the customer with formulated additives with highest quality. Bucees shopping are available at different places of America to facilitate the customer to come up with the commodity needed. We make sure that we work hard to satisfy your requirements.