Monday, April 30, 2007


A patient is any one who receives medical attention, concern, or treatment. The person is most frequently ill and in require of treatment by a physician or medical specialized. Health care customer or clients are other names for patient, generally used by governmental agency, insurance companies or patient groups.

The word patient is resulting from the Latin word patients, the current participle of the deponent verb pati, sense one who suffers.

The active patient is a challenge in terms, and it is the statement underlying the passivity that is the most risky. Unfortunately not any of the different terms seem to offer a better definition.

In itself the definition of patient doesn't involve suffering but the function it describes is often connected with the definitions of the adjective form: enduring trying situation with even temper. Some have argued recently that the expression should be dropped, because it underlines the substandard status of recipients of health care.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Entertainment is an occasion, piece, or movement designed to give enjoyment or leisure to an audience. The audience may join in the entertainment passively as in actively as in computer games. The playing of sports and reading of journalism are usually included in entertainment, but these are regularly called activity more specifically, because they involve some energetic participation past mere leisure.

While people have laughing themselves since the beginning of time, the entertainment industry first became a leading force in culture in the 20th century with the development of latest electronic technologies of recording and spreading. Western peoples, tired of serious purposes and gathering massacre, turned to popular culture following the two world wars. The financial basis of this new culture was advertising of free or inexpensive entertainment program. In their peak, television networks were great selling machines which, besides entertaining people, prohibited both commercial and political markets by providing direct access to the group of customers. This "territory" is now in danger by the explosion and segmentation of media and especially by the growing importance of communication by computer which allows the consumer to look for out the informational message as an alternative of having it broadcast to him or her. A new system of world history sees Americans in changeover between a fourth, entertainment-based "society" and a future fifth evolution based on computer communication.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster

The Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster is the rocket that provides 83% of liftoff thrust for the Space Shuttle. It is the largest and most powerful solid rocket ever flown, and the most powerful rocket motor of any type ever flown. Each SRB produces 1.8 times the liftoff thrust of the F-1 engine used in the Saturn V moon rocket.

The two reusable SRBs provide the main thrust to lift the Space Shuttle off the pad and up to an altitude of about 150,000 feet . In addition, the two SRBs carry the entire weight of the external tank and orbiter and transmit the weight load through their structure to the mobile launcher platform. Each booster has a liftoff thrust of approximately 2,800,000 lbf at launch. They are ignited after the three space shuttle main engines' thrust level is verified. The two SRBs provide 83 % of the thrust at lift-off. Seventy five seconds after SRB separation, SRB apogee occurs at an altitude of approximately 220,000 feet , after which they land on parachutes; impact occurs in the ocean approximately 122 nautical miles downrange, after which the two are recovered.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or ETA is a Basque nationalist terrorist group founded in 1959. It evolved rapidly from a group advocating usual cultural ways to an armed group fighting for Basque self-government. Every formulation of ETA's goals have centered on sovereignty and self-determination for the Basque Country. ETA's motto is Bietan jarrai. This refers to the two figures in the ETA sign, a snake wrapped around an axe.

ETA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, European Union and the United States in their related watch lists. ETA has committed about 900 killings and dozens of kidnappings. More than 500 ETA militants are held in jail in Spain and France. On March 22, 2006 the association declared a "permanent ceasefire." After government rejection to agree any peace settlements, ETA broke the ceasefire with a car blast attack on December 30, 2006 at Barajas International Airport, Madrid killing two Ecuadorian immigrants.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Public transport

Public transport, public transportation, public travel or mass transit comprises all transport systems in which the passengers do not tour in their own vehicles. While it is generally taken to include rail and bus services, wider definitions would comprise scheduled airline services, ship, taxicab services etc. – any system that transports members of the universal public. A further restriction that is sometimes practical is that it must take place in shared vehicles that would bar taxis that are not shared-ride taxis.