Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Reverse Osmosis

Common use for Reverse osmosis is in purifying water where it produces water, which is in demand at all, places. One of the finest filtration under Reverse Osmosis is Hyper Filtration, where the removals of particles are as small as ions. In this Process, water gets purified and the various salts and other impurities are removed to improve the Properties of fluid, its taste as well as color.

Reverse osmosis occurs when the water is moved across the membrane against the concentration gradient, from lower concentration to higher concentration. It thus purifies water by ejecting out fluids, inorganic chemicals such as nitrates, calcium, and magnesium, other ions and contaminants.

It uses a semi-permeable membrane, allowing the fluid that is being purified to pass through it. Most of the reverse osmosis technology procedures undergoes a cross flow Process to allow the membrane to clean itself periodically. As some of the fluid gets rested in downstream, continuous cross-flow process helps or sweeps out the rejected species away from the membrane.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home Decorations

A doll is a model of a human, a humanoid, an animal or a fictional character, usually made of cloth or plastic. Sometimes, intended as keepsakes or collections for older children and adults, it could be made in wood, porcelain, bisque, celluloid or wax. Some dolls are intended as toys for children, usually girls, to play with Angels Dolls. Others are for decoration or have some cultural significance, possibly for use in some ceremony or ritual, or as a physical representation of a deity. It is mainly used for home decorations. Archaeological evidence places dolls as foremost candidate for oldest known toy, having been found in Egyptian tombs, which date to as early as 2000 BC.

The model is often a miniature, but a baby doll may be of true size. A large model of hard material is called a statue. A doll or animal model of soft material is also called a plush toy or plushier. Tabletop Fountains is used for decorations.

Our bathroom cabinets will enhance the perfect set bathroom of yours. Place all the necessary items neat and ordered in the cabinet and enjoy the perfectly set bathroom. The cabinets come in different colors and designs, also with packs of soaps and oil.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Waste Water Treatment

A standard wastewater treatment train would typically consist of a primary clarifier system to remove solid and floating materials, a secondary treatment system consisting of an aeration basin followed by flocculation and sedimentation or an activated sludge system and secondary clarifiers, a tertiary biological nitrogen removal system, and a final tertiary disinfections unit.

The aeration basin/activated sludge system removes organic material by growing bacteria. The secondary clarifier removes the activated sludge from the water. The tertiary system is becoming more prevalent to remove nitrogen and phosphorus and do final disinfections of the water prior to its discharge to a surface water stream or ocean outfall. Before reentering into a body of water, the wastewater gets treated under a multi-stage process then only the water gets renovated and it is used for application

Anaerobic processes are widely applied in the treatment of industrial wastewaters and biological sludge. Some wastewater may be highly treated and reused as reclaimed water. For some wastewaters ecological approaches using reed bed systems such as constructed wetlands may be appropriate. Modern systems include tertiary treatment by micro filtration or synthetic membranes. After membrane filtration, the treated wastewater is indistinguishable from waters of natural origin of drinking quality.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Most races are conducted between vessels of identical design ("one design" racing). In these races, with identical equipment the sailors best able to make use of the ambient conditions win.

Dinghy designs vary from small, stable, and slow craft for novice sailors to lightweight, high-speed designs that are very difficult for even experienced crews to sail safely and effectively. Australia's 18-foot skiff classes are the fastest menthol dinghies, reaching speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour even in relatively light winds.

Sailing has a reputation for being a boring spectator sport, but skiff racing can be very exciting, particularly in unpredictable conditions where crews struggle to keep their boats upright. Various multi-hull racing classes are even faster.