Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ten Ways to Save Petrol

1. Shop around: check out www.mynrma.com.au/petrolwatch for the cheapest daily petrol in Sydney.
2. Refuel when prices are low: not when your tank is empty.
3. Fill up early: petrol is usually cheapest to buy on Monday and early Tuesday. Save more than $200 a year by buying petrol early in the week.
4. Avoid hard acceleration and braking: flow with the traffic - smooth driving can reduce fuel consumption by up to 30 per cent. Don't rest your left foot on the brake of an automatic vehicle - the extra drag increases fuel consumption by five per cent.
5. Watch your speed: by travelling at 90 km/h rather than 110 km/h you can reduce fuel consumption by 10 per cent or more.
6. Lighten the load: take off roof-racks and bullbars if they're not needed. Remove golf clubs or tools if you're not using them - and reduce fuel consumption by up to five per cent. Keep your tyre pressure towards the top of the manufacturer's recommended range.
7. Switch off: when stuck in traffic for any length of time turn the key to the "accessory" position (not to "off") and if an automatic transmission, shift to "park". Vehicles fitted with this feature typically reduce fuel consumption in urban areas by up to 15 per cent.
8. Open the windows: when the weather is fine, switch off the air-conditioning. This reduces fuel consumption by up to 10 per cent in urban driving.
9. Shop smart: take advantage of a range of shopper docket schemes.
10. Service your car regularly: blocked air filters can increase fuel consumption significantly.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Beneficiaols walkie-talkies

Walkie-talkies are handy for keeping in constant contact within a group. They operate at either 27 MHz or 409 MHz and do not require a licence as long as they meet the technical requirements set by the Office of the Telecommunications Authority. Walkie-talkies that operate at 409 MHz are usually smaller, and are suitable for short-range communication. The Office of the Telecommunications Authority provides lists of those models that do not require a licence.

One benefit of using a walkie-talkie is that it can be used to communicate with other hikers outside of your group. All hikers are encouraged to monitor channel 9 to pick up emergency calls from other hikers who could be within range. In this way, you might be able to offer assistance, or call in outside help in case of emergencies. You should make sure the tone squelch of your walkie-talkie is disabled and the code setting is "00", which will improve the reception and make it easier for you to make an emergency call should the need arise.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Direct Memory Access

DMA is an necessary characteristics of all modern computers, as it permits devices to transfer data without subjecting the CPU to a heavy in the clouds. or else, the CPU would have to copy each piece of data from the source to the destination, making it unavailable for other tasks. This situation is motivated because access to I/O devices over a peripheral bus is normally slower than regular system RAM. With DMA, the CPU obtains freed from this above your head and can do useful tasks during data transfer (though the CPU bus would be partly blocked by DMA). In the same way, a DMA engine in an embedded processor allows its dispensation element to issue a data transfer and carries on its own task while the data transfer is being performed.
A DMA transfer copies a block of memory from one device to another. While the CPU starts the transfer by issuing a DMA command, it does not execute it. For so-called "third party" DMA, as is usually used with the ISA bus, the transfer is executed by a DMA controller which is normally part of the motherboard chipset. More sophisticated bus designs such as PCI usually use bus mastering DMA, where the device takes control of the bus and makes the transfer itself. In an embedded processor or multiprocessor system-on-chip, it is a DMA engine linked to the on-chip bus that essentially administers the transfer of the data, in coordination with the flow control mechanisms of the on-chip bus.

Monday, December 15, 2008


WAP is an open international standard for application layer network communications in a wireless communication environment. Its major use is to enable access to the Internet (HTTP) from a mobile phone or PDA.

A WAP browser provides all of the basic services of a computer based web browser but cut down to operate within the restrictions of a mobile phone, such as its smaller view screen. WAP sites are websites written in, or dynamically converted to, WML (Wireless Markup Language) and accessed using the WAP browser.

Before the introduction of WAP, service providers had very limited opportunities to tender interactive data services. Interactive data applications are required to hold up now commonplace activities such as:

* Email by mobile phone
* Tracking of stock market prices
* Sports results
* News headlines
* Music downloads

The Japanese i-mode system is another main competing wireless data protocol.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Wi-Fi is more like a customary Ethernet network, and requires configuration to put up shared resources, broadcast files, and to set up audio links (for example, headsets and hands-free devices). Wi-Fi uses the same radio frequencies as Bluetooth, but with senior authority resulting in a stronger connection. Wi-Fi is sometimes called "wireless Ethernet." This description is accurate as it also provides a sign of its relative strengths and weaknesses. Wi-Fi requires more setup, but is better suited for operating full-scale networks; it enables a faster connection, better variety from the base station, and improved security than Bluetooth.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


A lens is a device for either concentrating or diverging light, usually produced from a piece of shaped glass. Lenses do not form perfect images, and there is always some degree of distortion or aberration introduced by the lens which causes the image to be an defective replica of the object. Careful design of the lens system for a exacting application ensures that the aberration is minimized. There are several different types of aberration which can influence image quality.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Education System

Schooling occurs when group or a society or an individual sets up a curriculum to educate people, usually the young. Schooling can become systematic. Sometimes education systems can be used to promote doctrine or ethics as well as knowledge, and this can lead to abuse of the system.

Life-long or adult educations have become extensive in many countries. However, education is still seen by many as something aimed at children, and adult education is often branded as adult learning or ultimate learning.

Adult education takes on several forms, from formal class-based learning to self-directed learning. Lending libraries provide cheap informal access to books and other self-instructional materials. Many adults have also taken advantage of the rise in computer ownership and internet access to further their casual education.